From Clara & Dedalus Wainwright’s artist statement for OFFSHOOT COLLABORATIONS at Gallery Kayafas 2022

Exquisite Corpses & Elder Luges

For as long as we can remember, drawing Exquisite Corpses (inspired by the surrealists) at the dinner table has been a family tradition we shared with Bill Wainwright and Dedalus’ sister Caroline (plus any dinner guests). So we introduced the technique into our collaboration, and our use of the technique continued to yield interesting images throughout the project.

Along the way, Clara introduced screen door material as a background material. Its threshold-like quality opened a path into the Elder Luge idea, and we found new ways to consider the Elder Luge. As a Roller coaster, a maze or a field of Horns, and the cremating ring of fire transformed into a dragon, with its own chance like intentions.

The process has shown us myriad ways in which we share understandings, and many where we diverge.  At times the process has been a struggle, and at times an inspiration and something solid during these crazy times.


Ceramic 2023


Sculptures 2022